Our Cascadia Anthem: O'Cascadia

90 Second Version: 

The Cascadia Association has revealed the song chosen for 2018 CONIFA World Cup Anthem, O'Cascadia. Originally written by long time bioregionalist Lloyd Vivola in 2010, the choice was picked by Cascadia Association Football Federation founder Lenny Laymon, with the new symphonic version with new vocals entirely remastered. Credit for the wonderful new version coming soon! 

O'Cascadia was written and inspired by the beautiy of the Northwest, and reflects the values of bioregionalism and the Cascadia movement that we hope to promote through our involvement with the CONIFA world cup.  

You can also listen to the full version here: 

Below - you will find the original song by Lloyd Vivola, who currently resides on Orcas Island and is an active and involved Cascadian, both in the movement and helping to better our bioregion. It is a folk anthem inspired by the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, and a folk anthem inspired by the possibilities of a green, sustainable, earth-friendly homeland - diverse, inclusive, ecosophically-oriented - that honors all of its natural and human relations. As poet, world citizen, and long-time supporter of the bioregion, a living Cascadia inspires and edifies.



Bright burns the sun upon the misty mountain

Where the woodland waters run and tumble to the sea

With the force of your story, O Cascadia

Work of the ages, garden of our dreams

Rich grows the wealth when balance and integrity

Can cultivate good health and foster industry to be

Diverse as your people, O Cascadia

Capable and just, purposeful and green


Let us tend to each season, tempered by reason

Vested and neighborly, joining heart and hand

To be a light among nations when we proclaim

Our pledge to respect, protect and sustain


Learn more here: https://sites.google.com/site/ocascadia/folk-anthem-for-the-pacific-northwest